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Kung Fu Granny

A feature length screenplay by Myra Sito Velasquez

Genre: Action Comedy
108 pages/ Intended running time: 110 minutes

KUNG FU GRANNY comes to New York for a stay with her beloved son, Vice Cop Sergeant RANDALL LEUNG, his wife WINNIE and their two kids, aspiring supermodel l2 year old ELISSANDRA and chubby 10 year old JONATHAN. As Randall and his partner DAVIS proceed to bust a sweatshop racket, they discover that it is, in fact, a highly sophisticated child prostitution ring. When Elissandra is kidnapped by a key member of the ring – the cocaine crazed fashion photographer STEPHEN FERRELL – Granny, whose true identity is unknown to all, jumps into the fray to save the day.

Willful, opinionated, at times nothing short of a pain in the butt, KUNG FU GRANNY at the same time follows in the classic tradition of our great Super Heroes and Sages with her courage, deep wisdom and adherence to moral standards of the Highest Order. She is Bodhisattva, Miss Marple, Super Ninja and Mr. Magoo rolled in one!

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